Importing Lionheart Data into Google Sheets

Step 1: Export your studio Lionheart data from Playbook

Log into Playbook, select F45TV -> Lionheart from the left menu and then click on ‘Export Analytics’ in the top right.

This will download a LionheartUserAnalytics-dd-mm-yyyy_hh_MM_ss.csv file to your computer.

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 14.02.41.png

Step 2 - Import into Google Sheets

Create a new Sheet, then select File -> Import from the menu.

Choose the Lionheart CSV file that you downloaded, and import the data as a new sheet or to replace your current sheet.

You should have data in your Google Sheet that looks something like this:

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 14.19.05.png

Step 3 - Analyse your data

You can do basic summing and averaging of all of the Lionheart scores and calories from that sheet, by summing and averaging columns of data.

If you want to be more sophisticated and get average scores of each user then you need to use Pivot Tables.

Click on Data -> Pivot Tables in the menu - it should automatically select all of the data in your sheet and offer you the option to insert the table into a new sheet or use the existing one - choose ‘New Sheet’

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 14.36.21.png

You should then have an empty sheet with some Row / Column / Values / Filters options on the right.

Google is pretty clever about offering you useful options for how to analyse your data, and hopefully 2 of the options it offers you are the most useful ones you need - Average Points for each Member and Sum of Calories for each Member.

You can return to your data sheet and add multiple Pivot Tables to slice up your data in different ways.

Pivot Table do not modify your Lionheart data, so don’t be afraid to experiment with them - if it goes wrong just delete the Pivot Table sheet and start again.

Step 4 - Manual Pivot Table example

Let’s say we want to do something clever like work out a member’s average score for each different workout. That’s quite simple to do with a Pivot Table.

From a brand new Pivot Table sheet:

1 - Add a Row of ‘Member Name’

2 - Add a second Row of ‘Workout Name’

3 - Add a Value of ‘Points’, which will give you a default of the SUM of all the Member’s points for a Class. Change that from SUM to AVERAGE using the ‘Summarise by’ dropdown and you can see your average workout score per member.


Using your F45 Lionheart outside the studio